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IT & Cybersecurity services exclusive to Australian businesses.
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“There are only two types of companies: Those that have been hacked and those that will be hacked.” – Robert S. Mueller, former Director of the FBI
Why upgrade your Cybersecurity?
Here is just a few chilling Australian statistics of why a small business needs to improve cybersecurity: ​
60% of businesses go out of business within 6 months of a cyberattack!
Cost of cybercrime to businesses increased by 14% compared to the previous financial year.
Average loss for a small business due to cybercrime is nearly $46,000 AUD
Majority of cyber attacks in AUS occured in small businesses with significant effects.
Top states hacked are Queensland, then Victoria, then New South Wales & then Western Australia.
A cybercrime is reported every 6 minutes on average
Work with us to help improve the protections of your small business. Let's use the analogy of a castle with its defences. In a similar way modern cybersecurity protection for any small business needs to consist of the following 7 layers of protection in the appropriate mix for the size of your business to help against malicious attacks and intruders. This is where Cyberkite comes in.
We have created a holistic cybersecurity planning concept called "Cyberkite 7 Cyber Protection Layer Planning Model" (the model is outlined below under Cybersecurity Services under Cybersecurity Review tab). It's based on Australian ACSC / ASD Essential Eight mitigation strategies & tailored to our Cybersecurity Review, Support & Maintenance process for small business. It's designed to identify and fill-in the gaps in your organisations cyber protections.
We will consult and support you on your business cyber protection journey. Feel free to watch the "What is Cybersecurity?" video, read a Detailed guide (or we will go through it during the review with you) or book Cybersecurity Support to get started or learn more about the Cyberattacks below.
Scale of Cyberattacks
Cyberattacks are occur every second worldwide. Threats are also ever changing that is why cybersecurity must be regularly reviewed, upgraded and maintained. The live world threat map below is provided by Fortinet to help us visualise that cyber attacks occur non stop 24/7 and small businesses are not immune.
Cybersecurity services
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