A great way to promote your small business in Australia is to start recording a regular company podcast about the topic you know all about. In this ever evolving blog I will document as I learn the simplest way to get started with podcasting for business.
This blog will focus on the podcast beginners like me in business world. Please be merciful as I also learn how to do it.
Why is podcasting good for business promoting?
A podcast is a more personal way to reach out to new potential customers. They get a better idea of your values and way of running the business. Your audience also has more flexibility on how they listen to the podcast. With traditional print articles or websites, users must focus more attention on the task.
How to get started with business podcasting?
Here is a few simple steps to get started in podcasting as a business owner or influencer or marketing professional at a business. It's not the only set of options but it seems to me the easiest and least expensive while still maintaining a good measure of quality in the end product: your podcasts and your podcast channel.
1. Buy the Yeticaster from Cyberkite store. Click on the link to purchase the Yeticaster microphone from us if you operate your business in Australia or search for a local provider in your country. After much research I think Blue Microphones are one of the best for price and quality apart from RODE. RODE are next level up but for now I recommend the basic good quality mic with multiple options: Blue Yeticaster!
2. Setup an account on anchor.fm and create a podcast usually people call it "Company name podcast" eg: Google podcast. You own all content (I checked the terms). It's also free and you can get ad revenue. And publish it in various podcast listening sites like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Spotify among others.
Note: You can also use software to edit or pre-record your podcasts before you even add them to anchor.fm (note that anchor.fm has the ability to edit and combine snippets). The open source Audacity audio mixing and editing software which can be used on Mac, Windows, Linux and Chrome is a very useful tool and easy to use.
3. Setup a quiet room in the house or office and clip the Yeticaster to the desk and setup your gear. You will learn as you go. If you can't find a quiet room then make everyone else be quiet when you record. Life is about compromises so they have to shut up sometimes - you can shut up in exchange - maybe a bartering system for shut ups?
4. Book an IT support session with Cyberkite to assist you in getting familiar with Spotify's Anchor.fm and Blue Microphones' Yeticaster. We aren't sound technicians though, just seasoned IT pros but we think we can get you up and running well.
5. When traveling - Although it's best to record on a computer (Like a Mac, Windows or Chrome laptop) but if you are on the road you can also record on anchor.fm on phones on the Anchor app.
Future updates to this blog
I will be documenting how to write scripts, speech tips and how to use Anchor and the Yeticaster. Stay tuned as I learn to make a podcast myself.
With much regards, Mike